Satellite-Driven Irrigation Management SaaS Platform
Satellite-Driven Irrigation Management SaaS Platform
Earth Observation
React, Node.js, MongoDB
Commissioned by the European Space Agency, this ongoing project aims to harness nighttime infrared satellite imagery for enhancing urban energy efficiency.
Earth Observation
AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS SageMaker, TensorFlow, PyTorch, GitHub, QGIS, React
Comprehensive cloud-based platform for CubeSate mission design (ESA BIC company)
React, Babylon.js, Python, AWS Cloud Services, C++
SaaS solution to automate mission operations for small satellite constellation operators.
React, PHP, Laravel, MySQL
Commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, this project harnesses the power of cutting-edge geospatial technologies to optimize the management and monitoring of Egypt's extensive agricultural lands.
Precision Agriculture
ArcGIS Online, PlanetScope Optical Imagery, ArcGIS Pro
Simulating 2050 Submergence Scenarios in the Northern Nile Delta, commissioned by the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation
Earth Observation
Image Analyst, Spatial Analyst, ArcGIS Pro
Monitoring the Giza Pyramids' Stability with Remote Sensing Technologies
Earth Observation
ENVI SARscape, Sentinel-1 C SAR Imagery, SBAS Algorithm